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Dental Product for Individuals FAQs

What if I need a specialist?

When treatment by a specialist is required and you visit a CompBenefits participatingspecialist, you will receive benefits as shown on your Schedule of Benefits.We make every effort to ensure a complete range of specialty care in each geographicarea. However, it is not always possible to secure some specialty types in someareas. Please check with our Customer Care Department to verify that a particularspecialty is available.

How many times a year can I visit my dentist?

You are encouraged to visit your dentist regularly. With your CompBenefits dental plan, you are not limited to a specific number of visits per year.

Can I change participating dentists?

Yes. You can easily change dental offices by contacting CompBenefits. A simple phone call is all it takes.

How do I make appointments?

Making an appointment is easy. Simply call the dental office you have selected, on or after the date you receive your certificate of coverage, and your appointment will be scheduled. Your enrollment with that dental office will already be on hand, confirming that you are eligible for treatment.

Is there a maximum coverage limitation?

There are no maximum limitations on benefits.

How do I pay for services?

If your visit is for covered preventive care, like a routine exam, cleaning or x-ray, there is no charge for the procedure; the dentist is prepaid by the CompBenefits program. For other procedures, a co-payment may be required. See your Schedule of Benefits for amounts. You pay this directly to the dentist.

Who is covered under a family membership?

Your CompBenefits family membership includes you, your spouse, and all eligible unmarried dependent children.

Does coverage include corrective braces?

Yes, orthodontic (braces) benefits are included in CompBenefits' dental care program. Benefits include free initial consultation and partial coverage of orthodontist's fees.


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