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Overview If you want to expand the number of patients who rely on you for care, take a close look at CompBenefits. 4.8 million people nationwide choose CompBenefits for their dental and vision benefits. As part of that extensive network, your support staff won't spend valuable time on the phone checking eligibility. With just a few clicks of the mouse, all the information you need is available on-line at MyCompBenefits.com. You'll also receive excellent professional relations service and fast payment. To contact a CompBenefits Professional Relations representative for more information about joining us, click here.
Application for Participation - complete CompBenefits' application by downloading our form online for participation in our DHMO, AdvantagePlus, Dental Access, or PPO Networks.
In a world of changing benefits, here's something to benefit the dentist.
Our goal is to help you incorporate the benefits of CompBenefits into your practice so that it is a profitable and secure part of your business. You can choose to treat only a small number of member patients, or you can build your entire practice from our referrals. Regardless of your growth strategy, CompBenefits can help you effectively manage patient volume and increase your monthly income.
By providing a steady stream of income through a growing patient base, CompBenefitsgenerates the vital factors that will enhance virtually any practice whetheryou're starting from scratch or building up your existing practice to sell it.And you're free to practice dentistry with out the stifling regulations of somebureaucratic programs. While the world of dental benefits is increasingly challengingfor the solo practitioner, there's a solution that benefits you.
CompBenefits is on your side.
In a world where pressures continue to threaten the traditional dental practice,it's nice to know someone is on your side. CompBenefits is helping thousandsof dentists like you grow their practices, increase their incomes, and expandtheir patient bases. We are a total dental benefits company designed to channelnew clients into your office through a variety of dental plans.We provide the vital link between employer groups and individuals looking forcost-effective benefits plans and dental practices looking to generate higherincome.
Historically, there have been countless debates, heated editorials, and politicaldiscussions in an attempt to understand how the new delivery systems affect dentistry.But all the talk in the world won't help you cover your overhead. You need answers- more patients and more income. It's more difficult than ever to maintain ahealthy practice. CompBenefits provides a solution.
Where More Dentists are Turning for a Healthier Practice.
Do you currently have open chair time? Would you like to grow your practice,or build an associate's practice more quickly? If so, we can help. CompBenefitsis designed to provide a wealth of benefits while letting you retain full controlof your practice. We utilize a comprehensive marketing program that is designedto increase your bottom line and give you an influx of new patients at no additionalcost to you. Providing you more income; and a broader patient base, CompBenefitsis bringing back all the things that attracted you to dentistry in the firstplace.
Network-based dental plans are now the fastest growing segment of overall healthcare, advancing more than 20 percent per year since 1985. More and more businessesare looking for ways to provide their employees with cost efficient dental programs.That's why CompBenefits provides DHMO, PPO, Discounted Fee-For-Service, and Indemnityproducts that meet the needs of these employer groups while enhancing the dentist'sability to generate a profit. By positioning yourself strategically among thedental options available today, you will benefit from this industry trend. CompBenefitsgives you access to the growing customer base, while allowing you to retain thefreedom of practicing dentistry the way you want.
More Patients!
The most expensive piece of equipment in a dentist's office is an empty dentalchair. That's why providing you with a steady stream of new patients is one ofthe greatest advantages CompBenefits offers. Becoming a CompBenefits providermakes you a vital resource for the patients who have already enrolled with us.We aggressively market your services to maintain a healthy flow of new patients.And with the increased traffic volume through your office, the potential forreferrals is higher. Studies in our participating offices have shown that CompBenefitsmembers refer many private patients to the practice. The growth of your patientbase can be regulated to meet the objectives of your practice and to keep yourwork load in balance with your staffing capabilities. All of our programs aredesigned to be an addition to your practice, not an interference. Our ProfessionalRelations Representatives will work with you to control newpatient flow.
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